Varastasin suurte raskustega Dakilt.
Ja veetsin aega hoopis teisiti kui peaksin.
Pane kõik muusika käima ja šafelda iga küsimuse juures.
1. Kuhu ma olen jõudnud aasta 2010 alguseks?
Sasha – Chemical Reaction
Chemical reaction. Fatal attraction. When it comes to push and shove... I need some help from up above. – Need I say more?
2. Aasta 2010 põhiülesanne
Aerosmith – Dude looks like a Lady
Väga veider lugu:D Aga võimalikke mõtteid:
Backstage we're having the time Of our lives until somebody say Forgive me if I seem out of line/So never judge a book by it's cover Or who you're going to love by your lover Love put me wise to her love in disguise She had the body of a venus Lord imagine my surprise/Ooh what a funky lady
3. Eneseteostus aastal 2010. Minu «mina» 2010. aastal
Enrique Iglesias – Rhythm Divine
Can you feel the passion? Can you taste our love's sweet wine? Join the dance and let it happen Put tomorrow's cares right out of your mind As the music draws you closer And you fall under my spell I will catch you in my arms now Where the night will take us no-one can tell All I need is a rhythm divine Lost in the music, your heart will be mine All I need is to look in your eyes Viva la musica, say you'll be mine Gotta have this feeling forever Gotta live this moment together Nothing else matters just you and the night Follow on the wings of desire Now the rhythm's taking you higher No one can stop us from havin' it all You are my heart you are my soul
Seda lugu ei saa ma kuidagi ainult enesekeskselt võtta. Aga paistab, et südameasjad on jälle moes. Vajan jumalikku juhtimist, paistab. Ja vist peab vähem muretsema ja plaanima ning rohkem vooluga kaasa minema. Mitte võitlema.
4. Rahaasjad aastal 2010.
Nancy – Hellalt hoia mind
Täna on kõik armastuslood või?
Hellalt hoia mind ja su juurde tee mind toob. – Äkki pean hakkama rahaga siiski paremini ümber käima?:D
5. Sugulased ja naabrid 2010. aastal
Elton John – I’m Still Standing
Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid I'm still standing after all this time Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind
Naljakas. Minu meelest üks väheseid valdkondi, millega väga probleeme ei ole. Muidugi inimesed tulevad ja lähevad ja sel aastal olen küll palju kurb olnud seetõttu, et väga palju inimesi on kuhugi kadunud mu elust. Aga ma ei ole üksi ja need, kes alles on, on suurepärased. Ja ma tean, et siin ilmas on veel väga palju inimesi, kes minu jaoks olemas on, kui neid vajan. Ja vastan neile alati samaga.
6. Kodu aastal 2010.
Jewel – Morning Song
Let the phone ring, let's go back to sleep Let the world spin outside out door, you're the only one that I wanna see/We'll sit on the front porch, the sun can warm my feet You can drink you coffee with sugar and cream I'll drink my decaf herbal tea
Ma ei teadnudki, et mul selline ilus lugu on. Aga mulle meeldib see mõte. Et kodus on kõik hästi. Mured koju kaasa ei tule. Tahan ka oma kodu!
7. Armastus aastal 2010.
Norah Jones – Thinking About You
Here I am lookin' for signs of leaving, You hold my hand, but do you really need me? I guess it's time for me to let you go, And I've been thinkin' about you
No me veel vaatame, kellest ja millest lahti lasen
8. Tervis aastal 2008.
Cascada – Magic Summer Night
Com'on! Get up and dance! Shakalakaboom!
Järelikult tuleb nautida tervist.
9 . Partnerlus aastal 2008.
Scorpions – Woman
Woman, you can change my world.
Muudan kellegi maailma? Hakkan lesbiks?:D
I'm chained to the fears Inside these walls The silence talks loud 'bout the things I recall/You've never seen me But I know you so well And before it kills me I gotta break the spell The deeper we touch The higher we'll go The time has come To heal my soul
10 . Võõrad rahad ja laenud, müstika ja seks aastal 2010.
Cisco Kid – Pizzaman
So I go back to my room in a hotel, and there are no sheets on the bed, call the manager and telling him I wanna a sheet, he tella me go to the toilet, I say: "you dont understand,
I wanna sheet on my bed", he says: "you better not shit on my bed you son of a bitch",
Müstiliselt labane. Ja pole isegi seksi. Proovin veel.
Dixie Chicks – Cold Day in July
The moon is full and my arms are empty All night long how I've pleaded and cried You always said the day that you would leave me, Would be a cold day in July
I go to the checkout and the man at the desk says 'peace on you',
Raha küll ei näe, aga kuu on müstiline ja paistab, et külmetan ka voodis ootamatult üksi.
I dont need this shit!
11. Reisid aastal 2010.
Jordin Sparks ft Chris Brown – No Air
I'm here alone didn't wanna leave My heart won't move it's incomplete Wish there was a way that I could make you understand / Got me out here in the water so deep Tell me how you gone breathe without me / I walked I ran I jumped I flew Right off the ground to float to you Theres no gravity to hold me down for real
No ma ei tea. Pole väga reisilaul, aga paistab, et lähen ja igal võimalikul viisil ja üksi. Kuigi pole kindel, kas tahaks üksi.
12. Karjäär, firma areng, uued kohustused aastal 2010.
Dido & Enya – Here With Me
I wonder how I’m still here. Oh I am what I am. I do what I want. But I can’t hide. I won’t go. I can’t leave this place.
Segane sõnum, ilus laul. Aga see what I want võiks paremini õnnestuda.
13. Sõbrad ja sotsiaalsed suhted aastal 2010.
INXS – I Need You Tonight
All you’ve got is this moment./ I've got to let you know You're one of my kind
Et hinda iga hetke sõpradega ja anna neile teada, et hoolid. Selge.
14. Saladused, aga ka protsessid minu alateadvuses, mida ise ei tunneta, aastal 2010.
Kate Bush – Wuthering Heights
You had a temper, like my jealousy Too hot, too greedy How could you leave me? When I needed to possess you? I hated you, I loved you too Bad dreams in the night They told me I was going to lose the fight Leave behind my wuthering, wuthering Wuthering Heights/Too long I roam in the night I'm coming back to his side to put it right I'm coming home to wuthering, wuthering, Wuthering Heights Oh let me have it, let me grab your soul away
Kuidas mõned aru ei saa, et mul on vaja ka vahel võita? Ok, päris tihti. Aga mõni ei lase sel kunagi juhtuda. Aga võib-olla tõesti ma kaotangi? Isegi kui liiga kaua püüan asju õigeks seada. Äkki see polegi võimalik? Illusioon?
15. Kuhu olen jõudnud aasta 2010 lõpuks.
Sting – Shape Of My Heart
He deals the cards as a meditation
And those he plays never suspect
He doesn't play for the money he wins
He doesn't play for respect
He deals the cards to find the answer
The sacred geometry of chance
The hidden law of probable outcome
The numbers lead a dance
And if I told you that I loved you
You'd maybe think there's something wrong
I'm not a man of too many faces
The mask I wear is one
Those who speak know nothing
And find out to their cost
Like those who curse their luck in too many places
And those who fear are lost
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape of my heart
Thats not the shape, thats not the shape of my heart
Ma kohe ei saa lühidalt:D Aga siin on nii palju kasulikku infot. Aga mingit vastust ma ei saanud siiski. Et kus ma siis olen. Aga mul ongi jah põhimõtteliselt üks mask.
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