mai 11, 2010

Ikka mõned drastilised sammud peab tegema

Teisiti ei suuda isegi mina. Ja drastiline pole üldse minu stiil. Aga mõned haavad paranevad paremini, kui sirge lõike asemel on rebitud tükk välja. Ja kui pole enam ausust, austust, hoolivust ega heatahtlikkust, siis pole enam midagi parandada ka. Iga kahe inimese vaheline suhe eeldab neid ja mõningaid sarnaseid ja mõningaid erinevaid omadusi. Enam ei näe ma meil midagi ühist. Ja iga kord, kui avastan, et olen end vihaseks ajanud, hingan korra sügavalt sisse-välja ning liigun edasi.

Eile veel mõtlesin, et mdiagi suurt ja olulist juhtus ja ma tahaksin kohe helistada oma parimale sõbrale ja kõik ära rääkida. Aga siis avastasin pettumusega, et teda pole enam minu elus. Kurb on ikkagi. 

 LeAnn Rimes - Life Goes On 

You sucked me in
And played my mind
Just like a toy
You would crank and wind

Baby I would give till you wore it out
You left me lyin' in a pool of doubt
And you're still thinkin' you're the Daddy Mac
You should've known better but you didn't
And I can't go back

Oh Life goes on
And it's only gonna make me strong
It's a fact, once you get on board
Say good-bye cause you can't go back
Oh it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right
Where I'm at, is my life before me
And this feelin' that I can go back

Wish I knew then
What I know now
You held all the cards
And sold me out

Baby shame on you, if you fool me once
Shame on me if you fool me twice
You've been a pretty hard case to crack
Should've known better but I didn't
And I can't go back

Oh life goes on
And it's only gonna make me strong
It's a fact, once you get on board
Say good-bye cause you can't go back
Oh it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right
Where I'm at, is my life before me
And this feelin' that I can go back

Na, na, na, na
Life goes on
Na, Na, Na, Na,
It made me strong
Oh yeah, got this feeling that I can't go back

Life goes on, and it's only gonna me strong
Life goes on and on and on

Shame on you, if you fool me once
Shame on me if you fool me twice
You've been a pretty hard case to crack
Should've known better but I didn't
And I can't go back

Oh life goes on
And it's only gonna make me strong
It's a fact, once you get on board
Say good-bye cause you can't go back
Oh it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right
Where I'm at, is my life before me
And this feelin' that I can go back

Na, na, na, na, na
Life goes on
Na, Na, Na, Na
It made me strong

Oh yeah
Gotta feelin' that I cant go back

Na, na, na, na, na
Life goes on
Na, Na, Na, Na
It made me strong

Na, na, na, na, na
Life goes on
Na, Na, Na, Na
It made me strong

Oh yeah
Gotta feelin' that I cant go back

P.S. Kui ketti tagasi tahad, pead kiirustama, sest see lendas just neljanda korruse aknast alla. Finders - keepers eks.

1 kommentaar:

Anonüümne ütles ...

Ma ei taha sult mitte midagi enam, olen saand kõik mis tahtsin.